Every woman has a unique style and personality! Keeping in mind this distinctive preference, we create our simulated pearl necklaces in two commonly preferred bead sizes i.e. 10MM Diameter (Big Bead Size) and 8MM Diameter (Medium Bead Size).

So which size is suitable for me? For women who prefer sleek look of pearls the 8MM size works perfectly well. At the same time, for women who enjoy a bit bold look of pearls around their neckline, the bigger 10MM bead size pearl is the best choice to go for! Needless to mention, both of these are classy and elegant in their own right!

The size reference image chart shown here is created to help you understand the corresponding bead sizes in comparison to a New 1 Rupee coin. For an approximate reference, a 10MM bead is only a quarter portion of the coin.

The end-to-end length of both necklaces is exact same i.e. 18 Inches with 1 Inch of adjustable loops. Customization to the length can be done upon prior information before placing your order. The necklace comes in a perfect 18-Inch length that is neither too long nor too short. The overall fitting is well examined and well calculated to give you a niche look of the pearls on your neckline.